Inspiring Innovation & Fostering Boundless Creativity
Our Services
At STEAMovations, we are committed to creating both formative and summative assessment tools based on NGSS or other context-specific standards to measure learner’s knowledge and skills. Our detailed standards-based assessments provide educators with valuable data-based knowledge about student progress, enabling them to make informed instructional decisions and tailor their teaching practices to meet the needs of each unique learner. Areas in which we can support our clients with course assessment include:
K-12 and Higher Education Science
K-12 and Higher Education Technology
K-12 and Higher Education Mathematics
K-12 and Higher Education Art
Collaboration with Other Agencies in Assessment Review
Assessment Review in Other Subject Areas
Accessibility in Assessment
Differentiation of Assessments
We believe that a high-quality curriculum is a core pillar for meaningful and impactful learning. STEAMovations defines high-quality as relevant, comprehensive, engaging, differentiated, and research-based. By holding true to these criteria, we are able to ensure our clients receive a curriculum that enriches students’ educational experiences, promotes critical thinking, and prepares them for their future as a 21st century global citizen. Areas in which we can support our clients with curriculum development include:
Standards Alignment
Curriculum Development, Revision, and Editing
Bespoke (Custom-Created) Curriculum Design
Informal Learning Design
Differentiation of Curriculum
Ensuring Accessibility of Curriculum
Life-long learning and iterative improvement is at the core of who we are at STEAMovations. We provide thorough and evidence-based evaluations of course instruction, institutional STEAM systems, and inclusivity within the STEAM classroom. These evaluations act as a catalyst for growth and development, which we are also committed to supporting our partners in. STEAMovation provides professional development based on findings from STEAMovation evaluations or internal requirements. Areas we can support our clients in evaluation services and professional development include, but are not limited to:
Universal Design Learning (UDL)
Culturally Responsive Education (CRE)
Complex Instructions
Technology and software in STEAM
Equity in Grading
Supporting Students with Disabilities in the STEAM Classroom
Reach out to us to find out how we can best fit your PD needs!